The Grey Wardens

Full Version: Application of Brovloand
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Name: Brovloand

Current WA nation: Brovloand

Are you known by any other names or aliases? If so, please list them here: Brov and Brovlo

What is your main region?: Danburg

What is your discord username?: sttetinburg

Do you have any Nationstates military experience, whether it be raider or defender? : Yes, i was a defender in the amaranthine isles briefly.

How often are you available at the game's major update 12:00 AM EST? : yes in weekends, less likely if school

[b]How often are you available at the game's major update 12:00 PM EST? : I would be asleep[/b]

[b]do you play nationstates in a mobile device or computer: On a computer and mobile both.[/b]