The Grey Wardens

Full Version: A dormant flame sputters to life... W&S returns.
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Bet you didn’t expect this one. Or maybe you totally did. Boredom tends to produce relapses. Anyway, hi it’s me, here to mess around and probably burn out again.

Main Nation Name: Witchcraft and Sorcery

Current World Assembly nation: same. Can switch easily tho :p

Are you known by any other names or aliases? If so, please list them here: nope.

What is your main region? (if applicable): TSP, TGW, 10ki.

also haku made a good point - yes this is real, I’ve been milling around NS discords for a week or so now and I think I’m gonna come back at least for a while. who knows how long, I’ve been known to flame out quite spectacularly at times. But I’m also now 22 and have a lot of other stuff going on in my life, I graduate college in two weeks, and then I’m moving back to Austria to teach English in September.

So who knows what the future holds or how long I’ll last this time, all I know is I miss the warden gang. Good times ahead RainbowPls
Oh, for paperwork's sake

*stamps the re-acceptance*